Wendy Turbin lives near the sea, walks a dog or two for the Cinnamon Trust, and is owned by Little Ernie, a cat who spooks at invisible things. An avid reader of crime fiction, she has long been a fan of the private detective from Chandler to McDermid, from Grafton to Galbraith.
This combination of facts may explain why her novel contains a PI, a pier and a pet – and a ghost girl in need of help.
Over the years, Wendy has worked in international logistics, customer service banking, and education – but she has always been a writer. Like many others who doubt themselves, few of her tales have seen the light of day, despite the Creative Writing core of her OU Bachelor’s degree.
But recovery from a severe bout of depression a few years ago led Wendy to re-evaluate her priorities and then she came across the UEA’s amazing MA Creative Writing Crime Fiction. Ever the ‘learnaholic’, the idea appealed. Write a whole novel while studying crime fiction? Yes! In a ‘seize the day moment’ she applied. She was thrilled and terrified when offered a place.
Fuelled by huge mugs of tea and a lake of prosecco, she wrote the book and achieved the MA.
Now her world is all murder and mayhem – and she’s very happy with that!